Figma Content Organization
TODOFigma is our primary prototyping tool and as such an understanding of how the file structure is set up will be important.
The Akvo Design Team is the main folder from where you'll be able to access all items and resources developed by the Design Team - ExplainThis howencompasses both the Figjam. (Currently we organizeare working from the one team)
Naming Conventions
The naming convention will follow the following format i.e
ClientName - Project Name e.g UNICEF -RTMIS
The objective is to allow for quick identification and location of items
The Projects are organised following the above convention with the Client Name as well as the specific project.
File Structure
The file structure for each project will generally follow the following structure
- Designs - The actual designs (prototype)
- Assets - (Any graphic assets/ resources used in the Design)
- Documentation - Figjam files
in(theFigmabrainstorming files)
The pages are contained within the project files and will follow outlined structure
- Sandbox
- Final Designs